India’s Revolution in Solar Power: Setting the Standard for Renewable Energy


When it comes to solar innovations, the domain is progressing in leaps and bounds. In India, solar advancements are specifically skyrocketing from windows that remarkably convert light into electricity to solar panels integrated with nanowires, the list goes on.

Coming to the present-day situation, solar paint, solar farms and pliable solar panels are now the norm, paving the way more even more ground-breaking innovations down the road. In short, we gradually moving towards the go-green future and it’s no wonder.

Read on to find out more.

Table of Contents

Role of India in the Solar Arena

India’s Expectations for 2030

Benefits of Solar Advancements

Sustainable Solar Energy: A Path to a Cleaner Future



Role of India in Solar Arena

In the domain of the global solar revolution, India has recently played a significant role, and for this, the nation is already holding the 4th position worldwide for producing renewable solar power in bulk.

Besides, India’s solar installation capacity has also witnessed a massive rise from a mere 21,651 to 70,096 MW in 2023. By 2030, the nation wants to achieve the pinnacle of its renewable energy amplitude, producing as much as 500 GW of solar electricity every year.

So, in 2024, India already come up with a lot of effective initiatives with the promise of a cleaner and greener tomorrow not only for the country but for the entire planet.

Below are some notable achievements made by India in the solar dimension.

International Solar Alliance

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) was launched collaboratively by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and the President of France in 2015.

It’s a synergistic platform that aims at producing 450 GW of Renewable Energy by the end of 2030. Further, ISA is expected to make use of solar energy technologies viable for solar plants not only in the nation but in its neighboring countries as well.

This will result in expanded and enhanced solar energy, leading us to a cleaner and greener future.

Rooftop Solar Program

The Rooftop Solar Program was designed for residential areas whereas Off-grid Solar PV Applications Program is meant for the rural sector.

Both programs offer subsidies, making solar energy more accessible to users. Consequently, we move towards a future that is not only financially secure but also solar-enabled.


Launched on 8th March 2019, the PM Kusum Scheme aims at an additional solar capacity of 30.8 GW by the end of March 2030.

The program has already made significant achievements in the forms of decentralization of solar power plants, solarizing of existing grid-linked agricultural pumps and replacement of agricultural solar pumps with solar agricultural water pumps.

As per the scheme’s guidelines, industries have to use organically created solar models enabled by natural motor pumps, controllers and solar cells, so that the entire process of solar energy creation remains in a state of balance.

India’s Expectations for 2030

India envisions the resurgence of massive renewable energy production while consistently focusing on the go-green thing to ensure effective energy transformations and reduced climatic variations.

Following are some of the dream achievements that India longs to make as enabled by the Panchamrit Policy in light of the announcement made in the COP26 when it comes to setting a more renewably powered future.

To become a net zero carbon country by the end of 2070

To reduce the intensity of carbon and its economy by as much as 45%

To reduce the total global carbon production by 1 Billion Tones by 2030

Production of a massive renewable energy of 500 GW by 2030

Further, India would require an annual aid of at least $350-400 Billion to adhere to its clean energy objectives. Global capitalists can easily seize this opportunity as India is expected to create around five to six million job prospects by the end of 2030 and by 2047 the number might escalate as much as nine to ten million.

Benefits of Solar Advancements

India wishes to be the first energy-reliant nation by incorporating green hydrogen supplies, ethanol production, piped natural gas and CNG of 20% and electricity to attain 90% of its energy creation from renewable outputs.

Hence, we understand that solar power comes with its fair share of benefits not only in the forms of technological and economic advancements but also in ways that impact the environment positively.

Here are some of the benefits that a solar power-enabled future awaits us.

Greener Planet: Solar power production is not just about advancements, but it also ensures a greener and more sustainable future for us.

Decrease in Pollution: As we rely more on renewable energy sources, in this case, solar power, this transition is significantly reducing air and water pollution, leading mankind towards a cleaner and healthier planet.

Reduced Climatic Variations: Solar panels in India have been built to reduce climatic variations and ensure a minimal carbon footprint via effective ecological initiatives.

India is already moving towards a solar-enabled future and investors can use this scope to become a part of the nation’s go-green success story. This way not only India get cleaner and greener in the coming times but the world will sooner than expected.

Sustainable Solar Energy: A Path to a Cleaner Future

India’s initiatives and measures are already leading us to a gargantuan solar powerhouse. With relentless innovations and opportunities such as space-enabled solar panels and solar paint, the nation is shifting its focus on making solar energy consumption more efficient and sustainable down the road.

Needless to say, all due to the country’s unapologetic endeavors for creating renewable solar energies with a mix of solar cells and substantial organic components as we move ahead of time for a greener and more environmentally conducive planet.


Tapping into India’s Solar Power Department can prove to be highly remunerative for global investors as the nation is expected to reach a production capacity of 7,48,990 MW in no time. This will pave the way for more innovations and ground-breaking advancements, making folks embark on a fascinating journey where the country witnesses a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable future for all of us.

Fingers Crossed!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Renewable Energy Revolution in India?

The installed non-fossil fuel capacity of India has witnessed a surge of 396% over the past 8.5 years. This makes the nation gain a substantial foothold in the renewable energy market, exceeding a limit of 179.57 GW including massive nuclear and hydro production that makes up 42% of India’s total production capacity as per recent statistics. On top of everything, India’s annual addition of renewable energy sources saw a significant rise of 9.83% in 2022. 

What are India’s policies on solar energy?

Grid Connected Solar Rooftop Scheme, Bundling Scheme, Solar Park Scheme, CPSU Scheme, and VGF Schemes are some of the policies launched by India in collaboration with other countries to use solar energy as efficiently and sustainably as possible.

Which state is first in renewable energy in India? Rajasthan offers the biggest solar power production capacity than any other state in the country. Recently, the region has outperformed Karnataka in terms of leading solar installation plants. Further, Rajasthan envisions producing approximately 17.8 GW of solar energy by August 2024 as part of their prospective solar power projects.


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